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Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in New Amsterdam/New York - Marriages

Marriage Book of the Register of the Persons who are herin recorded, and who were married here or outside the city of New York from the 11th Dec. 1639

Source: The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record published 1890 and 1940


  • New York was New Amsterdam until 1674
  • Researchers in this time period should also familiarize themselves with common Dutch phrases used in Baptismal, Marriage and death records. The serious researcher will also need to be very familiar with Dutch naming systems and patronymics
  • Remarks within square brackets [ ], are Lorine's own notations and research. The names are for the most part, in patronymic form. The actual surname the family may have taken, would not have developed for some years. If known, I have indicated the family name which this individual or his/her descendants eventually took.
  • Remember that spelling was largely phonetic in this time period - and your ancestor may be found under a variety of names (patronymics) and spellings ..... so... be creative! In these early records the use of "Van" is not usually part of the surname, but is intended as "from" showing the place of origin of the individual.

Understanding these records:

From 27 August 1673 on, the first date is the date the parties registered their intent to marry. The last date is the date of the actual marriage. Example:

"den 3 May. Willem Heyer en Catalyntie Mol den 26 May"

"den 3 May" means Willem and Catalyntie registered on the 3 May of that year. "den 26 May" is the actual marriage date.

dicto means that entry occured in the same month as the preceeding entry (the one above it). If the preceeding entry also uses "dicto", keep reading up until you find a month. Example:

"den 3 May. Willem Heyer en Catalyntie Mol, j.d. Van N. Yorck, den 26 May"
"den 28 dicto. James Spencer en Maria Carlee met een licentie den 28 dicto."

Here we see that James Spencer and Maria Carlee registered their intent to marry on 28 May (as per the entry before theirs)

eodem means the entry occured on the same day as the one preceeding. Example: In the following three entries we see that Andries Holst registered his intent to marry on the same day as Francois de Fenne. Francois' entry uses "den 6 dicto" so we must read up to find the first preceeding entry with a month - and that is Delivery Stantely with the month of Sept. Thus Francois' entry is 6 Sept. as is Andries'.

"den 2 Sept. Delivery Stantely, en Engelje Boeckhout, Getrouwt den 2 Octob."
"den 6 dicto. Francois de Fenne, en Margareta Blanck, Getrouwt den 9 Octob."
"Eodem. Andries Holst, en Cornelia Van Tienhoven Getrouwt den 23 Septemb."

New Amsterdam (New York City) Reformed Dutch Church Marriages 1760

New Amsterdam (New York City) Reformed Dutch Church Marriages transcribed by anonymous volunteer for Olive Tree Genealogy.

Personen met Licentie Anno 1760

Ingeteek Jan. 3; Abraham Smith & Maria Corcelius; Getrouwt Jan 3.

14; Stephen Lane & Elsie Legg; 14.

14; Samuel McDonnald & Mary Burcke; 16.

18; Patrick Hyndes & Elisabet Winthrop; 22.

23; Pieter de Marest & Annatje Smith, Wed.; 23.

25; James Burrin & Hanna Thornhil; 25.

Personen met Geboden Anno 1760

Ingeteek Febr. 3; Hugh McFarlin, j.m. van Ireland & Rachel Griegson, j.d. van N. Brunswyck; Getrouwt Maart 3.

Maart 28; Robbert Lowdon, j.m. van Ireland & Agnes Crawford, j.d. van T. Hogeland; April 11.

April 13; Gabriel Heymer, j.m. van Manheim & Regina Brouwerin, j.d. van Waldirin, beide wonende in N. Jork; 27.

Personen met Licentie Anno 1760

Ingeteek Jan. 24; Wessel Hopper & Anna Dykman; Getrouwt Jan. 26.

Febr. 1; John Bunster & Ruth Lewis, Wed. Febr. 3.

14; Jakob Sherp & Francis Schaats; 14.

20; John Bergen & Margaret v. Deursen; 20.

27; William Haywood & Hanna Farrington; 27.

Maart 1; William Hall & Violet Gleghorne; Maart 1.

1; William Dering & Eleanor Petit; 2.

5; John de Grott & Susanna Rome; 6.

13; Phillip Norris & Ann Hornsen; 13.

13; Pieter White & Elizabet Burbank; 13.

14; John Grisner & Aaltje Lamberson; 14.

15; Jacob van Holer & Neeltie Brinkerhoff; 16.

20; Nathaniel Marriner & Rachel Brouwer; 20.

25; Peter Ryan & Jane Lowey; 27.

April 3; Wessel van Orden & Hanna Devou, Wed.; April 5.

9; John Freeborn & Mary Smith; 13.

14; Renier Naks & Catharina Brouwn, Wed'e; 14.

19; Daniel de Voe & Margaret Quackenbos; 20.

17; Cornelius Wynkoop & Maria Catharina Roel; 24.

22; Isaak Somerdyk & Elisabet States, Wed.; 25.

26; Balin Johnson Cozin & Catharina Dykman; 26.

24; John Stoodly & Catharina Child; 27.

Personen met Geboden Anno 1760

July 11; Gabriel Sprong, j.m. geboren op Jook Eyland, & Antje Cabelier, j.d. geboren opt Lange Eyland, beide wonende alhier; Getrouwt July 26.

Personen met Licentie Anno 1760

Ingeteek May 2; George Smith & Catharina Ott; Getrouwt May 3.

2; Lancaster Burling & Elizabet Latham; 3.

6; John Brower & Elisabet Speeden; 7.

9; Henry Hartley & Elisabet Barker, Wed'e; 11.

14; Aart Huysman & Elizabet Marschalk; 14.

16; John Wright & Mary Brady; 16.

20; Isaak Bush & Letty Brouwer; 25.

29; John Carus & Elloner Pollemus; 29.

Juny 10; Edward Kip & Jacomyntie van Order; 14.

9; Ida Hannigan & Nisie Waldron; 14.

17; Jacob Brewerton & Helena Fresneau; 19.

17; James Hervey & Maria Brass; 19.

July 3; Jeremia van Renselaer & Judith Bayard; July 3.

12; Robert Cofram & Mary Livingston; 12.

11; Evert Pelts & Sara Smith; 17.

19; George Codwise & Mary van Ranst; 20.

25; William Waldron & Lena van Tessel; 26.

28; Jeremia Wool & Debora Bratt; 28.

Aug. 5; Archibald Thomson & Elisabet Strycker; Aug. 5.

7; Anthony Ten Eyck & Margaret Schuyler, Wed'e; 8.

Perzonen met Geboden Anno 1760

Ingeteek _____; Met attestatie Van de Engelschekerk, Johan Ensly & Catharina Stout; Getrouwt Novemb. 11.

______; Met attestatie Van de Presbyteriaanschekerk Johan Storm & Mary Brouwer; 30.

Nov. 15; Johan Hendrik Haering, j.m. uit Nassauw Tillenburgh & Eva Fulkin, j.d. uit Vogelsburg, byde wonende op't Lange Eyland; Decemb. 8.

18; Jan Ryd Van Engeland & Elisabet Ryen Van N.-Jork, wonende byde alhier; 8.

Decemb. 28; Godlief Lodder, j.m. geboren in Frankfort & Margaritha Howlin, j.d. geboren in England byde wonende alhier; January 11, 1761.

Personen met Licentie Anno 1760

Ingeteek August 8; John Montanje & Catharina White; Gertrouwt Aug. 9.

9; William Lownds & Jane Way; 9.

8; Charles Campion & Rebecca Abbot; 10.

July 29; Henry Joralemon & Mary Pool; 10.

Aug. 11; Henry Dexon & Elisabet Bell; 11.

12; Norman Ash & Sara Mason; 12.

12; William Lush & Catharina Ditcher, Wed'e; 13.

20; Charles Mulford & Elisabet McCray; 20.

14; Thomas Livingston & Catharina V. Solingen; 27.

28; William Ronson & Elisabet Rose; 28.

Septemb. 6; Abraham Labagh & Debora Copertwaith Wed'e; Sept. 6.

5; Gabriel Sprongh & Mary Berry; 6.

6; Reyniep Nack & Sara Bussing; 7.

1; Willet Taylor & Mary Bogert; 10.

9; John Ernest & Sara Ten Eyck; 11.

18; David Cuning & Ann Stedefort; 18.

22; Thomas Medcalf & Susanna Wood; 22.

24; Thomas Jackson & Catharina Trueman; Oct. 25.

Oct. 1; Nicolaas De Riemer & Margariet Pool; 5.

10; John Childs & Margariet Winner; 10.

11; Edmond Welch & Eleanor van Cleek; 11.

Perzonen met Geboden Anno 1760

Ingeteek Jan. 26, 1761; Matheus Waelen, j.m. geboore in Yrland & Nance Joans, j.d. geboore in Philadelphia byde wonende alhier; Getrouwt Febr. 8, 1761.

Maart 10, 1761; Isaak Facieur Wed'n geboore in Philipsburgh & Jacomyntje Springer Weduwe geboore in New England, byde Wonende op Philipsburgh; April 1, 1761.

Perzonen met Licentie Anno 1760

Ingeteek Oct. 13; James Parr & Alice Blaine; Getrouwt Oct. 13.

17; Josua Regnolds & Elisabet Richardson; 18.

18; Abraham Cannon & Maria Springsteen; 25.

31; Robert Brouwn & Barbera False; Nov. 2.

Nov. 3; Abraham Kip & Helena Tremper; 3.

7; David Banter & Hilligont Webber; 9.

8; John Smith & Jane Goffi Wed'e; 9.

11; Jakob Brouwer & Mary Spoor; 11.

10; Edward Busch & Catharina Cannon; 14.

15; Edward van Varick & Elizabet Bogert; 16.

17; Gerrit Abeel & Mary Byvanck; 19.

22; Henry Brookman & Lydia Bills; 23.

24; Timothy Schields & Letta Vander Riefe; 24.

27; Michael French & Mary Den Eyk; 27.

Decemb. 2; James Bruse & Jane Stuart; Decemb. 3.

1; Roger Fagg & Johanna Loringh; 6.

5. John Van Verrick & Catharina Towers; 7.

12; James Kip & Jane Valeau; 12.

19; James Hendrie & Jane Traphagen; 19.

29; William More & Mary Bogert; 31.


Researchers are encouraged to extract small portions of these records for personal research only. The entire set of records may not be copied for distribution or publication in any manner without written permission from The Olive Tree Genealogy

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