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Records of the Reformed Dutch Church in New Amsterdam/New York - Marriages

Marriage Book of the Register of the Persons who are herin recorded, and who were married here or outside the city of New York from the 11th Dec. 1639

Source: The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record published 1890 and 1940


  • New York was New Amsterdam until 1674
  • Researchers in this time period should also familiarize themselves with common Dutch phrases used in Baptismal, Marriage and death records. The serious researcher will also need to be very familiar with Dutch naming systems and patronymics
  • Remarks within square brackets [ ], are Lorine's own notations and research. The names are for the most part, in patronymic form. The actual surname the family may have taken, would not have developed for some years. If known, I have indicated the family name which this individual or his/her descendants eventually took.
  • Remember that spelling was largely phonetic in this time period - and your ancestor may be found under a variety of names (patronymics) and spellings ..... so... be creative! In these early records the use of "Van" is not usually part of the surname, but is intended as "from" showing the place of origin of the individual.

Understanding these records:

From 27 August 1673 on, the first date is the date the parties registered their intent to marry. The last date is the date of the actual marriage. Example:

"den 3 May. Willem Heyer en Catalyntie Mol den 26 May"

"den 3 May" means Willem and Catalyntie registered on the 3 May of that year. "den 26 May" is the actual marriage date.

dicto means that entry occured in the same month as the preceeding entry (the one above it). If the preceeding entry also uses "dicto", keep reading up until you find a month. Example:

"den 3 May. Willem Heyer en Catalyntie Mol, j.d. Van N. Yorck, den 26 May"
"den 28 dicto. James Spencer en Maria Carlee met een licentie den 28 dicto."

Here we see that James Spencer and Maria Carlee registered their intent to marry on 28 May (as per the entry before theirs)

eodem means the entry occured on the same day as the one preceeding. Example: In the following three entries we see that Andries Holst registered his intent to marry on the same day as Francois de Fenne. Francois' entry uses "den 6 dicto" so we must read up to find the first preceeding entry with a month - and that is Delivery Stantely with the month of Sept. Thus Francois' entry is 6 Sept. as is Andries'.

"den 2 Sept. Delivery Stantely, en Engelje Boeckhout, Getrouwt den 2 Octob."
"den 6 dicto. Francois de Fenne, en Margareta Blanck, Getrouwt den 9 Octob."
"Eodem. Andries Holst, en Cornelia Van Tienhoven Getrouwt den 23 Septemb."

New Amsterdam (New York City) Reformed Dutch Church Marriages 1709

New Amsterdam (New York City) Reformed Dutch Church Marriages transcribed by anonymous volunteer for Olive Tree Genealogy.

Personen met Licentie

Anno 1709.

Ingeschreven den 14 August; William Swantsten met Rachel Webbers; Getrouwt den 18 Aug.

den 15 Sep; Theophhilus Elswart & Sarah Verduyn; den 24 Sept.

do 20; Andries Meyer & Maria Van Trigt; do 24.

do 24; Gerrit Woutersse & Emmetje de Vries; do 25.

do 24; Dirk Egbertze & Margrita Teller; do 25.

den 21 Oct; Gerrit Keteltas & Catharina Stevens; den 22 Oct.

d 22; Enog Vrelant & Maria S't Leger; den 22.

d 3 Dec; Frans Couwenhoven & Catharina Olivier; d 3 Dec.

do 20; Jan Van Deursen & Jane Marshall; do 22 do.

Anno 1710.

January den 31; Andries Ten Eyk & Barendina Hardenberg; Feb. 1, 1710.

do 10; Daniel Weeks & Mary Weeks; d. 11 January.

d. 3 Maert; Hans Kiersted & Maria Van Vlek; do 3 Maert.

do 1 Februa; Nicolus Rosevelt & Sarah Fulman; do 5 Februar.

den 18 Maert; Jacobus Maurits & Elisabeth Stevens; d. 18 Maert.

do 30 __; Hendrik Cuiler & Maria Jacobs; den 1 April. May Ongedagteekent [without date]; Bout Wessels & Maria Brestede; May 21.

18; Nicolaas Matthysz & Maria Lakeman; 23.

Personen met Geboden


Anno 1710.

April den 7; Benjamin Van Vegten, j.m. V. N. Albany, met Jenneke Eckkisse, j.d. V. Bouwery; Getrouwt 1 Junu.

July 21; Gerrit Roos, j.m. V. N. Alban'y, met Judith Toers, j.d. V. Bergen; 8 August.

21; Philippus Van Bossen, j.m. V. N: York, met Margritje Willemsz, j.d. V. N: York; 12.

28; Pieter Van Velsen, Wed'r V. N: York, met Jannetje Joosten, Wed. V. Isaac Vredenburg V. N. York; 19.

August 1; Jacobus Stanton, j.m. V. London in O. Engel't, met Marytje Rellth, j.d. V. N: York; __.

25; Johannes Buys, j.m. V. Curacao, met Neeltje Claasze, j.d. V. Schonecthade; Septemb. 10.

August 25; Jan Pietersze, j.m. V. Vlissingen, met Antje Montanje, Wed. V. Fredrik Blom; Novemb. 25.

Novemb: 11; Ritgaart Truman, j.m. V. O. Engel't, met Cornelia Haring, j.d. V. Tappan; 26.

25; Theophilus Knyt, Wed'r. V. O. Engel't, met Belitje Kwik, Wed. V. Thom's Syner V. N: York; 5 decemb'r.

Ingeteekent decemb. 7; Pieter Post & Catharina Beekman; 8.

Met attestatie Van Bergen, 7; Pieter Van Woegelum & Antje Van Winkel; 14.

1; Bernardus Jansse, j.m. V. t Vlaklant, met Jannetje Salomons, j.d. V. de Bouwery; 20.

15; Isaac Blank, j.m. V. N: York, met Lidia Loots, j.d. V. N. Albanie; 31.

Personen met Licentie

Anno 1710.

May 26; John Thorn & Maria Flamin; Getrouwt A'o 1710 May 26.

26; Jeffery Moor & Susanna Walfraaf; 26.

18; James You & Mary Paitreau; 27.

Juny 16; Andries Frenau & Maria Moryn; Juny 17.

1; Abraham Van Vlek & Maria Kip; 24.

July 18; Thomas Jameson & Mary Bratton; July 20.

Augustus 13; James Patyson & Elisabeth Harland; August 15.

Septemb 6; Josua Soullice & Judith Le Cevalier; 7 Septemb.

16; Dirk Valk & Jenneke Schouwten; 27.

26; Christoffel Rogers & Maria Parker; 28.

October 11; Timotheus Dolly Freab; October 11.

Novemb'r 8; Joh's Van Hartsbergen & Catharina Walthers; 15 Novemb'r.

2; Rithmont Wytton & Aaltje Van Oort; 19.

Octob'r 12; Gilbert Ash & Helena Plevier; 23.

Novemb'r 29; Philip Blaklits & Willemtje Conwel; 29.

29; William Lewis & Maria Billop; 30.

26; John Eavery & Elisabeth Loyde; 30.

Decemb. 7; Philip Van Cortlant & Catharina de Peyster; december 7.

7; Samuel Thornton & Hester Vincant; 9.

7; Samuel Bensing & Maria Boke; 10.

14; Dennis Marharty & Elisabeth Reedt; 14.

23; Henry Cole & Catharina Cornelisze; 28.

Personen met Geboden.

Anno 1711.

Met attest V. Bergen ingeteekent 24 decemb; Ulrig Brouwer & Ariaante Pieterse; Getrouwt Januar: 19.

January 5; Joh's Coens, Wed'r V. Ceur. Pals uit Alssy, met Maria Catharina Vogelezang, Wed: V. Michiel Hupman uit het Graafschap hardenberg in Duitsland; 23.

12; Dirk Dykman, j.m. V. Albanie, met Willemyna Bas, j.d. V. N. Tuin; February 9.

Met attest. V. Voorlezer V. Luitersse Kerk; Joh's Tibel, weduwenaar uit het graafschap V. Hoogsolmes, met Margritje Eringer, Wed. V. Anthony Smit uit het graafschap Welburg; 15.

February 10; Daniel Thevoe, weduwenaar uit Switserlandt, met Maria Barbara Kras, Wed. V. Frans Poore Van Twee Brugge uit Swede; 27.

Met attest. V. Voorleser V. Lutersche Kerk in geteekent den 20; Joan Maerten Styn, j.m. uit Langen Salts in Saxen, met Johanna Maria Lowisa Conin, Wed. Van Adam Blas uit Keur Pals; Maert 6.

17; Abraham Plaset, j.m. V. Bearn uit Frank., met Elisabeth Waet, Wed. V. Gerrit Schoute V. West Chester; 11.

22; Zacharias Fleigler, Wed'r uit Frankenlant, met Anna Elisabeth Hobin, Wed. V. J. Jurrie Schout uit Darmstaderland; 11.

Maert 5 met attest. V. Voorl. V. Lutersche Kerk; Joan Herdrik Kerslen, Wedn'r uit Saxen, met Anna Magrita Tibbels, j.d. uit de Pals; 19.

2; Richard Egon, j.m. V. Yerlant, met Hester Blank, j.d. V. N: York; 20.

9; William Nieuwtown, j.m. V. O. Engel't, met Elisabeth Lie, j.d. V. N: York; 25.

9; Thomas Paul, j.m. V. St. Christoffel, met Jannetje Waldron, j.d. V. N: York; 25.

9; Joan Peter Kassener, Wed'r uit Keur Pals, met Magdalena Paan, Wed. V. Jacob Hoof uit Wirtenbergerlandt; April 2.

15; William Byfieldt, j.m. V. Briston, met Elisabeth Stapleton, j.d. V. N: York; 12.

23; Hendrik Brasier, j.m. V. N: York, met Sarah Andries, j.d. V. Bergen; __.

April 19 met attest V. Voorlez'r V. Bergen; Cornelis Helmigze, j.m. V. Bergen, met Aagje Joh's Vrelant, j.d. V. Bergen; 19.

19 met attest. V. Voorlez'r V. Bergen; Arie Sip, j.m. V. Bergen, met Gerritje Helmigsze, j.d. V. Bergen; 19.

Personen met Licentie.

Anno 1711.

Ingeschreven January 5; Joseph Lush & Maria Jonkers; Getrouwt January 7.

17; Teunis Van Woert & Agnes Vander-Spiegel; 21.

22; Richard Young & Martha Harrin; 25.

February 5; Teunis Egbertsze & Judith de Foreest; February 7.

___; Clement Elswert & Mary Van Gunst; 15.

16; Egtbert Van Borssem & Elisabeth Bensen; 17.

26; Jan Kramer & Engeltje Davids; 27.

Maert 8; Richard Mahone & Cornelia deGrauw; Maert 11.

14; Thomas Jones & Mary Hudssons; 14.

__; Pieter Davids & Mary Kierstede; 18.

__; John Taynton & Jenneke Hardenbroek; 22.

Personen met Geboden.

Anno 1711.

April 27 ingeteekent met attest. V. Voorl'r V. Bergen; Thomas Frederiksz & Marytje Hartmansz Vreelant; Getrouwt April 27.

28; Hendrik Bruyn, j.m., met Marytje Kiersse, j.d. beide V. Mannor Van Fordam; May 31.

May 26; Jacob Hassing, Wed'r Van N: York, met Cornelia Dykman, j.d. V. Albanie; Juny 16.

July 5 met att. V. France Kerk; Francois Ravaud & Jannie-Marie Du Montiers; July 5.

7. N. B. met Licentie; Cornelius de Peyster & Cornelia Stuwart; 21.

13; Thomas Konik, j.m. V. O. Engel't, met Elisabeth Hort, Wed. V. Pieter Mitschel V. Boston; 31.

19; Francois Lucas, Wed'r V. Pals, met Elisabeth Engeler, Weduwe V. J's Lampert uit Darmstaderland; August 9.

August 4; Jacob Koning, Wed'r V. N. York, met Claasje Cornelis, Wed. V. Reinier Kwakkenbos Van de Bouwery; 25.

Septemb. 9 met attest: V. Bergen; Dirk Helmigsz V. Houte, j.m. V. Bergen, met Metje Gerbrands, j.d. V. Gemaenipa; Septemb. 27.

Novemb. 24; Jan Thomasse Vos, j.m. V. Denemarke, met Willemyntje Brouwer, j.d. uit t Hooglant; Decemb. 9.

Personen met Licentie.

Anno 1711.

Ingeteekent April 24; Sjourt Olfertsz & Dorothea Greenham; Getrouwt den 29 April.

May 4; Jacob Van Breemer & Hanna Wigfielt; May 4.

14; John Drumeney & Mary Nicholls; 14.

(N.B. April 28.) Albertus Houlst & Aaltje Provoost; 5.

18; John Dum & Mary Bratt; 18.

25; Peter Neagele & Geertruy Staats; 25.

25; John Halls & Margariat Purro; 26.

Juny 11; John Symons met Hendrica Van Hoek; Juny 16.

July 4; John Webb & Anne Makke; July 6.

August 17; Barend de Klein & Cornelia Varik; Augustus 18.

25; Patrik Marbuight, & Annatje deLanoy; 25.

Sept. 5; Cornelis Klopp'r & Catharina Geveraet; Septemb. 6.

Octob. 11; John Stoutenburg & Hendrica Duikink; Octob. 13.

15; Samuel Provoost & Maria Sprat; 15.

20; John Broun, & Jenneke Van Oort; 24.

26; Pieter Van Dyk, & Rachel Le Reaux; 27.

27; Richard Hamlin & Maria Flensburg; 27.

Decemb. 5; Philp Lyon & Elisabeth VanderSchuur; decemb. 5.

Novemb. 23; Frederik Sebering & Maria Provoost; 7.

Decemb. 3; Isaac Van Plank, & Emerentia Provoost; 7.

8; Abraham Courson & Catharina Garison; 8.

24; Samuel Pell & Maria Mesier; 26.


Researchers are encouraged to extract small portions of these records for personal research only. The entire set of records may not be copied for distribution or publication in any manner without written permission from The Olive Tree Genealogy

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