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Janie Riley is an avid genealogist with a habit of stumbling on to dead bodies. She and her husband head to Salt Lake City Utah to research Janie's elusive 4th great-grandmother. But her search into the past leads her to a dark secret. Can she solve the mysteries of the past and the present before disaster strikes? Available now on Amazon.com and Amazon.ca


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Palatine Ship Jamaica Galley 1738

Source: Strassburger & Hinke's Pennsylvania German Pioneers, 1934, by the Pennsylvania German Society, Norristown, PA.

pp. 252-253, Sworn by Robt. Harrison on 7 Feb 1738/9, that this is a "true and compleat List of Palatine Males of the Age Sixteen Years and upwards, to the best of my knowledge."

Hans Conraat Ruseley 41
Hendrich Kladney 28
Johannes Wilderson 48
Hendrich Kladney 20
Jacobus Muller 38
Ulrich Swarsenbach 33
Hans Apely 30
Felix Bossart 48
Hendrich User 33
Jacob Bossart 20
Hendrich Hoofman 52
Ulrich Bossart 19
Caspar Mayer 30
Hans Ulrich Hofman 19
Hans Ulrich Angst 25
Jacob Boeman 22
Felix Hubart 38
Hans Jacob Boeman 18
Hans Ulrich Muller 24
Hendrich Mayer 30
Leonard Furrer 40
Felix Schuts 22
Hendrich Galler 17
Melger Tinker 16
Joachim Husley 34
Roedolph Schuts 19
Roedolph Bawmer 34
Ulrich Peninger 20
Conraat Ackeritt 25
Lawrence Riger 34
Hendrich Ackeritt 23
Hans Boogman 27
Hans Hendrich Somer 34
Hendrich Stally 25
Hendrich Beter 26
Hendrich Roukop 28
Ulrich Smith 29
Hendrich Overholds 34
Jacob Veer 35
Barnard Riga 27
Jacob Swerber 35
Hans Friner 25
Hans Moogh 38
Roedolph Ramp 22

Caspar Frener 20
Hans Jacob Peninger 24
Michael Swenk 50
Hans Ulrich Nef 29
Adam Swenk 18
Johannes Shibley 21
Christoffer Muller 24
Hans Ulrich Mayer 32
Jacob Eens 24
Hans Jacob Shaup 25
Hans Mayer 30
Felix Linebaker 56
Roedolph Decker 40
Hendrich Linebaker 21
Conraat Bachler 38
Hans Sollinger 40
Jacob Mayer 24
Jacob Dunke 38
Andrias Nabinger 25
Jacob Mayer 47
Hendrich Brunder 20
Felix Klatley 36
Roedolph Shuts 22
Hans Anner 22
Hendrich Shellenberg 22
Hendrich Gans 34
Jacob Hopman 26
Hendrich Tinkee 30
Hans Jacob Hopman 18
Hans Jacob Kerne 20
Felix Bachman 21
Hendrich Kramer 24
Jurich Brunder 19
Ulrich Neusley 34
Hans Neusley 45
Jacob Nergen 28
Christopher Wideman 40
Hendrich Wert 27
Jacob Hinne 35
Hendrich Schible 20
Jacob Bonger 38
Felix Franfilder 38
Hendrich Bachman 27 C
aspar Wideman 16
Hendrich Otte 21

[List 68 B] Palatines imported in the Ship Jamaica Galley, Robert Harrison, Commander, from Rotterdam, but last from Cowes in England. Qualified February 7th 1738/9. (pp 253, 254)

Hans Kunradt Rosli
Henrich (X) Glatley, Senr.
Johannes Wiltensinn
Henrich (X) Glatley, Junr.
Jacob Muller
Ulrich (X) Swartzenberg
Hans Eppli
Felix (X) Bossart
Heinrich Hauser
Jacob (X) Bossart
Heinrich Hoffman
Hans Boshart
Caspar (X) Mayer
Hans Ulrich (X) Hoofman
Hans Henry (X) Ansgt
Jacob B[a]uman
Felix Huber
Hans Jacob Bauman
H. Ulrich Muller
Henrich (X) Meyer
Linhart Furer
Felix (X) Schutz
Henry (X) Galler
Melchior [Dun]ki
Joachim (X) Housley
Roedolph (S) Schutz
Roedolph (X) Bawiner
Ulrich Baninger
Conraat (X) Askeritt
Lawrense (X) Riger
Heinrich Ackerdt
Hans (X) Bochman
Hans Heinrich Sommer
Henrich (X) Stalley
Hendrick (X) Better
Henrick (X) Rokoop
Ulrick (X) Smith
Henrick (X) Overholds
Jacob Fehr
Bernard (X) Riga
Jacob (X) Swarber
Joannes (X) Frenner
Hans (X) Moogh
Roedolph (X) Ramp
Caspar (X) Freneir
Hans Jacob Baninger
Hans Michael Schweinck
Hans Ulrich Naff
Adam Schweinck
Johannes (X) Shibley
Christofel Muller H
Hans Ulrick (X) Meyer
Jacob Kuntz
Hans Jacob Schaub
Hans Meier
Felix (X) Limbaker
Rudolf Decker
Henrich (X) Limbaker
Conraat (X) Bauchler
Hans (X) Solinger
Jacob (X) Meyer
Jacob (X) Dunkel
Andreas (X) Nabinger
Jacob (X) Meyer
Henrick (X) Brunder
Felix (X) Clatley
Roedolph (X) Schutz
Hans (XX) Anard
Heinrich Schellenberg Heinrich Gantz
Jacob (X) Hopman
Hienrich Dumcke
Hans Jacob (X) Hopman
Hans Jacob Kern
Felix (X) Bachman
Henrich Kremer
Ulrich (X) Brunder
Ulrich Nussli
Hans Nusli
Jacob (X) Nargen
Christofel Weidman
Henrich (X) Wert
Jacob (X) Hina
Henrich (O) Shibly
Jacob (X) Boucher
Caspar (X) Wideman
Heinerich Bachman
Felix (X) Fronfilder
Henrich (X) Otte

(pg. 255) [List 68 C] At the Court House of Philadelphia, February 7th, 1738/9.

Present: The Honorable George Thomas, Esq., Lieutenant Governour, Clement Plumsted, Esq., Thomas Griffitts, Esq., Thomas Lawrence, Esq., Anthony Morris, Mayor.

The Palatines whose Names are underwritten, imported in the Ship Jamaica Galley, Robert Harrison, Commander, from Rotterdam, but last from Cowes in England, did this Day take and Subscribe the Oaths to the Government, viz.,

Hans Conradt Rosli
Henry (XX) Glattly
Johannes Wiltensin
Henry (X) Glattly, Jr.
Jacob Muller
Uhllerik (X) Shwartzenbach
Hans Eppli
Felix (X) Bossert
Heinrich Hauser
Jacob (X) Bossert
Heinrich Hoffman
Hans Boshart
Caspar (X) Meyer
Hans Uhllerik (X) Hoffman
Hans Henry Angst
Jacob Bauman
Felix Huber Hans
Jacob Bauman
H. Ulrich Muller
Henry (X) Meyer
Linhart Furer
Felix (X) Shutz
Henry (X) Keller
Melichor Dunki
Jochaim (X) Hensly
Rudolph (X) Shutz
Rudolph (X) Baumer
Ulrich Baninger
Conrad Ackert
Lorence (X) Riger
Heinrich Ackert
Hans (X) Bachman
Hans Heinrich Sommer
Henry (X) Stally
Henry (X) Peter
Henry (X) Rohkop
Uhllerich (X) Smith
Henry (X) Oberholtz
Jacob Fehr
Bernhart (X) Reege
Jacob (X) Shwarber
Johanes (X) Franer
Hans Moogh
Rudolph (X) Ramp
Caspar (X) Frener
Hans Jacob Baninger
Hans Michael Schweinkh
Hans Ulrich Naff
Adam Schweinckh
Johanes (X) Shibly
Christofel Weller
Hans Uhllerik (X) Meyer
Jacob Kuntz
Hans Jacob Schaub
Hans Meier
Felix (X) Leinbacker
Rudolf Decker
Henry (X) Leinbacker
Conrad (X) Barttler
Hans (X) Zollinger
Jacob (X) Meyer
Jacob (X) Duncky
Andereas (X) Navinger
Jacob (X) Meyer
Henry (X) Brunner
Felix (X) Glattly
Rudolph (X) Shutz
Hans (XX) Anner
Heinrich Schellenberg
Heinrich Gantz
Jacob (XX) Hopman
Heinrich Duncki
Hans (O) Jacob Hopman
Hans Jacob Kern
Felix (X) Bachman
Heinrich Kremer
George (X) Bruner
Ulrich Nuesli
Hans Nusle
Jacob (X) Nargen
Christofel Weidman
Henry (X) Wirth
Jacob (X) Hinne
Henry (X) Sheeply
Jacob (X) Bucher
Caspar (X) Whitman
Heinrich Bachman
Felix (X) Fronfelder
Henry (X) Otto

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Death Finds a Way: A Janie Riley Mystery by Lorine McGinnis Schulze

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